Thursday, July 29, 2010

Watch Out!

She is officially a walker! She has been walking everywhere! It is so much fun to see her in action. Here is a video of her walking like champ. (She is usually walking faster, with no stops. She was a little distracted.)

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Just a quick update. Korbyn is 10 months old now and WALKING! It is so exciting!! She is super loving these days. She says "uh oh" now...along with her new favorite word"S#*T". 

Korbyn has not been feeling well at all these past 2 days. She was running sky rocket high temps. and just not herself. She is cutting SIX teeth at once! She will go from four to ten. She also has a small ear infection (caused from the teething) at the same time. It is no fun, but we cannot wait to see that toothy smile!

Also, we would like to congratulate Erin and Aaron on their new home!!  We are so excited for you two!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


    Where is Korbyn?!?!?...
                                                                  Where is Korbyn?!?!?...
                                                                     THERE SHE IS!!!
Korbyn likes to play some intense games of peek-a-boo. She will hold anything over her head ( like a stuffed animal, blanket, curtain, and a paper towel just to name a few) and hold it and hold it then throw it down really fast. Behind that item will be laughter and smiles. She LOVES this game and so do we!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

First Piece of ART

Korbyn had an art session the other day. She would much rather eat the markers. She soon got the hang of things and colored away...on everything, including herself! She now tries to color with everything. One day she tried to color a dvd box with the end of her hair brush. Bless her little heart. This girl just may end up a famous artist! Great thing these markers are NON-TOXIC!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy This and That :)

Happy Three Month (Beautiful Wedding, in front of everyone) Anniversary! We love you! And just in case anyone missed this precious video, I posted it again! Loved this moment. Hope everyone enjoys their Fourth of July and Happy Fireworking!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Korbyn has a new obsession...talking on the phone! She has a few "play" phones around the house. She loves to pretend she is talking to someone. She will hold the phone up to her ear (sometimes it is her neck and it is always crooked and/or backwards) and just gabs away and fake laughs. She will say her goodbyes and throw the phone. It really is a passion of hers right now. I can see it now..."Mommy and Daddy, I need a cell phone!". Yikes!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Love

My love (my little love,Korbyn) has her fourth tooth! Pretty exciting stuff! Today we went for a swim at the Eldon pool. It has a great kid/baby section. I loved it...Korbyn, on the other hand, was not a huge fan. I think she was tired and very over whelmed by all the running/splashing children. We will try some other time. She had her first hot dog today and also tried grapes for the first time. Loved both of them!
Here are some amazing pictures that a friend (Nikki W.) took. Enjoy!

 Are these amazing, or what?!?! I love them :) I want Nikki's camera BAD!...along with her skill.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Korbyn is NINE MONTHS old!!

Can you believe??? I know, it is very hard for me to. And yes, I know, I say that every month! Time does fly, but until you experience  your child growing right before your eyes, you don't understand just how fast it really does. These past nine months have been the BEST, hardest, most amazing months in my whole entire life! I can't speak for Sam, but I am pretty sure he feels the exact same way. She has learned so much in such little time. So, I am sure I will be adding to the list below as I think of more things!

Korbyn at nine months...

* is miss personality, but I am sure that everyone who has ever met her (or seen pictures) already knows that!
* is hilarious!! This girl just gets funnier and funnier as everyday passes.
* is so much FUN! The stage she is at right now, so incredibly fun!
* is one curious babe. Wants to know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING!
* is going through the "open and close" phase.
* weighs 20 pounds and 7 ounces... Holy big baby!!!
* is 28 1/2 inches long.
* is in the 75th percentile for just about everything right now.
* is in size 3 diapers.
* can stand on her own
* has her THIRD tooth.
* is back in her kissing phase...yay!!! Love this
* walks like a pro with her walker/pusher!
* mocks all the time.
* can throw a mean fit! She throws herself down, kicks, screams, and is awesome (sarcasm)!
* wears size 12 months.
* points at everything, all day long.
* is officially able to enjoy all table food!  She enjoys table food...very much!
* has slept through the night a few times lately.
* has a skin condition called Keratosis pilaris... It is just basically bumps on her legs, arms and cheeks. It will most likely be gone by her toddler years but may itch at times. There is nothing we can really do. Also, it goes hand and hand with allergies. yikes!
* is going to try Good Start 2.
* never sits still. Always on the go!
* is absolutely AMAZING!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ayden!!

So this is really late. Sorry, Ayden! Mr. Ayden turned 4!! This little man had an awesome birthday party for family and friends on Sunday. They put out the bounce house, the pool, and even a tent!                                    
I just cannot believe my eyes when I see this little man and who he has become. He is so smart,quick, fun and I don't even think I need to mention how HANDSOME he is!! We love you so much, Ayden!!